Inside Africa mit Marco Polo Reisen

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اين كه در جشن هاى روزهاى عيد لباس همه ى سران بايد همرنگ لباس انتخابى خان مغول باشد، يا به نورچشمى هاى خان لوحه اى زرين مى دادند كه بتوانند از هر نگهبانى بگذرند و به هر شهرى سفر كنند، حاكم موظف باشد خوراك و مسكن و زن برايشان مهيا كند يا سرود خواندن دسته جمعى مغول ها در روز جنگ يا خريد ساليانه ى دخترها از منطقه اى كه به خوبرويى معروف بودند و كيفيت كارشناسى ميزان زيبايى دختران تا متناسب با زيبايى چهره و رفتارشان خرناس كشيدن يا نكشيدن در خواب يا بد بو بودن يا نبودن عرق و. Frontispiece depicting Marco Polo, from an early printed edition in German of his travels.

A massive book of facts without flesh. During their trip back to see the Khan, the Polos are delayed in their journey as the Pope dies in 1268 and they had to wait until the new Pope was elected in 1271. Di conseguenza, il testo che leggiamo è una delle tante traduzioni esistenti.

Marco Polo - I would probably have gotten through the book much more quickly without those things.

The family had with the for a long time, acquiring considerable wealth and. Although it is uncertain if the Polos were of the nobility, the matter was of little importance ina city of republican and mercantile traditions. The family appears to have been shrewd, alert, and courageous; about 1260 they foresaw a political change in e. He was age 15 or 16 when his father and uncle returned to meet him and learned that the pope,had recently died. In Acre nowIsrael theTeobaldo of Piacenza, gave them letters for the Mongol emperor. The Polos had been on the road for only a few days when they heard that their friend Teobaldo had been elected pope as. Returning to Acre, they were given proper credentials, and two friars were assigned to accompany them, though they abandoned the Polos shortly after the expedition resumed. Polo, Marco Marco Polo's travels to Asia 1271—95immortalized in his Travels of Marco Polo. Marco, his father, and his uncle set out from Venice in 1271 and reached China in 1275. The Polos spent a total of 17 years in China. During the early part of 1272, they probably passed throughin what is now eastern Turkey, andin what is now northernlater crossing inhospitable deserts infested with brigands before reaching on the. There the Polos decided not to risk a sea passage to India and beyond but to proceed overland to the Mongol capital. Marco suggests that they remained there for a year; detained, perhaps, by illness possibly that was cured by the climate of the district. It is also believed that Marco visited territories to the south other parts of Afghanistan, in thein what is now Pakistan, and perhaps during this period. It is, however, difficult to establish which districts he and which he may have described from information gathered en route. Leaving Badakhshān, the Polos proceeded toward thebut the route they followed to cross these Central Asian highlands remains uncertain. Polo, Marco Marco Polo traveling in a caravan, illustration from the Catalan Atlas 1375marco polo reisen young the collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France. Polo, Marco; Kublai Khan Marco Polo, his uncle, and his father presenting the pope's letter at the court of Kublai Khan, detail of an illuminated manuscript; in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, England. The Yuan Mongol empire c. Nevertheless, it is well known that many foreigners were in the employ of the state, since the Mongol rulers did not marco polo reisen young their Chinese subjects; so it would have been natural for the Polos to fit in most honourably and successfully with this motley society. The extent of their success and the specific roles they filled, however, remains an open question. The elder Polos were probably employed in some technical capacity. The whole episode is dubious, however. Marco was about age 20 when he reached. Although he knew little or no Chinese, he did speak some of the many languages then used in East Asia—most probably in its Coman dialect as spoken among the Mongols, Arabized Persian, Uygurand perhaps Mongol. He was noticed very favourably by Kublai, who took great delight in hearing of strange countries and repeatedly sent him on fact-finding missions to distant parts of the empire. Apart from the missions he undertook for the emperor, Polo may have held other administrative responsibilities, including inspection of the customs duties and revenues collected from the trade in salt and other commodities. According to some versions of Il milione, he governed the city of for three years sometime between 1282 and 1287; but this assertion seems hardly credible and hinges entirely on the interpretation of one word. There is, however, ample evidence to show that Polo considered himself an adoptive son of his new country. The return to Venice Sometime around 1292 1290 according to Otagia Mongol princess was to be sent to Persia to become the consort ofand the Polos offered to accompany her. Marco wrote that Kublai had been unwilling to let them go but finally granted permission. They were eager to leave, in part, because Kublai was nearly 80, and his death and the consequent change in regime might have been dangerous for a small group of isolated foreigners. Naturally, they also longed to see their native Venice and their families again. There Polo was much impressed by the fact that the appeared to have dipped below the horizon. The expedition then proceeded tohanding over the princess not to Arghun, who had died, but to his son. The Polos eventually departed for Europe, but their movements at this point are unclear; possibly they stayed for a few months in. Marco polo reisen young, as soon as they left the Mongol dominions and set foot in a Christian country, at in what is now Turkey, they were robbed of most of their hard-won earnings. After further delays, they reached Constantinople and finally Venice 1295. The story of their dramatic recognition by relatives and neighbours who had thought them long since dead is a part of Polo lore that is well known. Compilation of Soon after his return marco polo reisen young Venice, Polo was taken prisoner by the —great rivals of the Venetians at sea—during a skirmish or battle in the Mediterranean. He was then imprisoned in Genoa, where he had a felicitous encounter with a prisoner fromRustichello or Rusticianoa fairly well-known writer of romances and a specialist in and its lore, then a fashionable subject. Polo may have intended to write about his 25 years in Asia but possibly did not feel sufficiently comfortable in either Venetian or Franco-Italian; however, with Rustichello at hand, the marco polo reisen young began dictating his. The language employed was Franco-Italian—a strange composite tongue fashionable during the 13th and 14th centuries. Polo was soon freed and returned to Venice. The remainder of his life can be reconstructed, in part, through the testimony of legal documents. He seems to have led a quiet existence, managing a not too fortune and dying at age 70. Nonetheless, details concerning travel, distances covered, and seasons are rarely stated; the panorama is observed from an impersonal distance with a powerful wide-angle lens. In Il milione Polo often branches off into descriptions of places probably visited not by himself but by his relatives or people he knew. Typical are those on Mesopotamia, the and their castles,,and. Il milione is better understood not as biography but as part of theof which the Middle Ages offer many examples. Frontispiece depicting Marco Polo, from an early printed edition in German of his travels. Courtesy of the Columbia University Libraries, New York The work is marked by uncertainty and controversy, however. The origin of the popular title, Il milione, for example, is not quite clear. The history of the text itself is characterized by similar uncertainty. There is no authentic original manuscript, and even if there were, it would likely not represent what Polo dictated since Rustichello asserted his own personality and familiar phraseology, especially in the standardized description of battles. Polo also seems to have made emendations himself on various copies of the work during the marco polo reisen young 20 years or so of his life. Furthermore, since all this happened long before the invention ofprofessional scribes or amateurs made dozens of copies of the book, as well as free translations and adaptations—often adding to or subtracting from the text with little or no respect for authenticity. There were many unfamiliar names that rarely passed unchanged from one copy to another. Consequently, there are some 140 different manuscript versions of the text in three manuscript groups, in a dozen different languages and dialects—an immensely complex and controversial body of material representing one of the most philological problems inherited from the Middle Ages. For some scholars, novelists, filmmakers, and dramatists, he was a brilliant young courtier, a man of prodigious memory, a most observer, and a successful official at the court marco polo reisen young the Mongol rulers. For others he was a braggart, a drifter ready to believe the gossip of ports and bazaars, a man with littlescant imagination, and a total lack of humour. Still others argue that he never went to China at all, noting that he failed, among other things, to mention thethe use of tea, and the ideographic script of the Far East, and that contemporary Chinese records show no trace of Polo. But under what name was he known. Who would recognize the 16th- and 17th-century Italian missionary under Li Matou or the 18th-century painter Giuseppe Castiglione under Lang Shining. A more balanced view must take into account many factors, especially the textual problem and ideas of the world. Modern scholarship and research have, however, given a new depth and scope to his work. It is generally recognized that he reported faithfully what he saw and heard, but that much of what he heard was fabulous or distorted. His description of Japan set a definite goal for in his journey in 1492, while his detailed localizations of encouraged Western merchants to seek out these areas and break the age-old Arab trading monopoly. The wealth of new geographic information recorded by Polo was widely used in the late 15th and the 16th centuries, during the age of the great European voyages of discovery and conquest.

Die Abenteuer des jungen Marco Polo - Flucht aus Venedig - Folge 1 (Trailer)
The narrative is thin and repetitive. Marco, his father, and his uncle set out from Venice in 1271 and reached China in 1275. Lack of Open Graph description can be counter-productive for their social media presence, as such a description allows converting a website homepage or other pages into good-looking, rich and well-structured posts, when it is being shared on Facebook and other social media. More people should consider studying race in the Travels. He was highly regarded by Kublai Kahn for his knowledge of western culture which was of great interest to the Kahn. A parte mais negativa do livro é a constante repetição das fórmulas descritivas, mas isso é uma característica que encontramos em vários livros desta natureza, destas épocas remotas, como é o caso da Peregrinação. The only thing that makes th I find it interesting how Marco Polo's description of the Middle East of more than 700 years ago is pretty much a reflection of the way it is today. Apart from the missions he undertook for the emperor, Polo may have held other administrative responsibilities, including inspection of the customs duties and revenues collected from the trade in salt and other commodities. That names of persons, places and offices are in a Persian form is remarkable given the claim that the Polos were active at the court of the Mongol Khan in China.